M-Benefits - Valuing and Communicating Multiple Benefits of Energy-Efficiency Measures

    Project name: M-Benefits - Valuing and Communicating Multiple Benefits of Energy-Efficiency Measures

    Description: Research suggests that the industrial and service sectors, which account for 40% of final energy consumption in the EU, offer substantial potential for cost-effective energy savings. However, an under-investment in energy-efficiency—an “energy-efficiency gap”—is observed in all countries due to the persistent existence of barriers. One key barrier is that companies do not consider energy use as a contributor to their competitive advantage. As a result, investments in energy efficiency are neglected compared to other investments. On the other hand, many frequently observed multiple benefits (MBs) of energy efficiency– such as improved product quality, higher flexibility, reduced production time, reduced production loss, increased safety, reduced operational, commercial, legal or climate change risks - represent important core business benefits for companies. Thus, MBs enhance both the strategic character and financial attractiveness of energy efficiency projects in companies. M-BENEFITS aims at including the MBs of energy efficiency in investment decisions of companies and thereby substantially increasing the deployment of cost-effective energy saving potentials. It contributes to the work programme by delivering best-practice examples, tools and trainings on the importance of MBs for investment decisions in companies, thereby addressing all relevant decision-makers. M-BENEFITS will - Create a harmonised approach to include the MBs of energy efficiency in investment decisions of companies, - Collect data and develop case studies throughout the industrial and service sectors to build-up evidence base and know-how on the importance of MBs for companies, - Develop evaluation, communication and training tools for companies to identify and quantify MBs in energy efficiency projects and to communicate them in energy, operational and strategic terms, - Provide tailor-made ways for trainings inside and outside the company and for communication on MBs to relevant stakeholders.

    PI: Aníbal Traça de Almeida

    Reference: 785131 — M-Benefits — H2020-EE-2016-2017/H2020-EE-2017-CSA-PPI

    Website: http://projects.isr.uc.pt/mbeneficts.pdf

    Fundind entity: the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme

    Partners: Fraunhofer, Université de Neuchâtel, Universiteit Utrecht, University of Oxford, Borg & Co AB, BPIE, Grazer Energieagentur, FIRE, KAPE, NTUA, ISR-UC, Hochschule Luzern

    Duration of the action: 2018-03-01 - 2021-02-28

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