Spinoffs and Technology Transfer

Active Space Technologies is a European based company operating in space, aeronautics, nuclear and industry.
Active Space Technologies offers bespoke electro-mechanical systems for extreme harsh environments, such as instruments and mechanisms, actuators and wireless sensing systems. Our systems are qualified for high-g, high temperature radiation environments.
Our core activities focus on:
space instrumentation,
structural and thermal control systems for space applications,
harsh environment monitoring and control systems for aerospace applications,
remote handling systems for hazardous and radiation environments,
automated systems for industry.

Ingeniarius is a Portuguese SME that promotes R&D in the many fields of engineering, with particular focus in intelligent systems and robotics. Ingeniarius has been producing and commercializing disruptive state-of-the-art solutions, from which one may highlight the design of ROS-enabled mobile robots and IoT devices. Ingeniarius is currently coordinating three R&D projects centered in mechatronics, multi-robot systems, field robotics and artificial perception.

Soft Bionics mission is to bring cutting edge technologies in printed and microelectronics to the daily life of people at a low cost. Soft-Bionics has expertise in Materials and Fabrication methods of ultrathin film stretchable electronics for Biomonitoring, Pressure Sensing, and Human Mahcine Interfaces. In 2016, Soft-Bionics recieved an EIT-Health award on the category of innovation for Health.

OptiSigma provides several innovative products and services related to energy and environment. Examples of innovative products/services are: InSwitch – Low-cost ultra-compact electronic device, installed inside the motor terminal box. It can potentially replace the millions of traditional electromechanical contactors. The InSwitch performs soft-starting, intelligent connection-mode management (saving energy and improving power factor), advanced motor protection and fault diagnosis and remote control and monitoring/sensing. The Portuguese Electricity Company (EDP) awarded this product with an innovation prize of 50 k€ and evaluated this solution in 5 M€. IUVSense – National project aiming the local installation of a large number of low-cost solar-powered UVB displays as a measure to prevent excessive/dangerous solar exposure during outdoor activities. This project is officially supported “Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro” and funding from the “PT Foundation” is being negotiated. Most of the City Halls will install this devices in the sea and river beaches. Awards/Prizes: > 9º Concurso Poliempreende, 1º Prémio, Viseu, 2012 (12.5 k€); > Prémio EDP Inovação 2013, 1º Prémio, Lisboa, 2013 (50 k€); > Arrisca C 2012, Prémio I.S.A./Smart Ventures, Coimbra, 2013 (25 k€); > Arrisca C 2013, Prémios "Câmara Municipal de Coimbra", "Coimbra Inovação Parque", "Parque Tecnológico de Óbidos", "ANJE-Tech-Entrepreneurship" and "Garantia Mútua" na Categoria de Melhor Ideia de Negócio, Coimbra, 2014 (total equivalent to 10 k€).

Perceive3D (P3D) builds on advanced knowledge in computer vision to deliver innovative software systems for Computer-Aided Orthopaedic Surgery (CAOS).
The company is launching into market the first system for video-based surgical navigation that combines INTELLIGENT IMAGE PROCESSING to perform 3D measurements over bone anatomy, with AUGMENTED REALITY to overlay information and guide the surgeon in a very intuitive manner
Foundation: July, 2013 by João P. Barreto (ISR Staff) and Rui Melo (ISR PhD)
Awards: Winner of track of “Life-Science” of Building Global Innovators, a venture competition organized by MIT
Funding: Secured seed round from PV, the largest venture capital in Portugal
IP Portofolio: 2 patents in international stage (exclusive right acquired to UC-ISR)