Patents and Intellectual Property Rights
Inventors: Nuno Gonçalves, Bruno Patrão, Leandro Cruz, Ricardo Barata, João Barreto, João Duarte, Renato Monteiro, João Paulo Dias and Augusto Cavaleiro de Carvalho; Applicants: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda and University of Coimbra; International Publication Date: 29.12.2019. EP3810432A1 (European Patent Office); WO2019244081A1 (WIPO). International Application No.: PCT/IB2019/055177.
Inventors: Mahmoud Tavakoli, Hugo Paisana, Anibal T. de Almeida, Carmel Majidi. Applicants: Universidade de Coimbra, Carnegie Mellon University. International Publication Date: 27.10.2022. US Patent 11,395,413, US 2022/0346238 A1
Method, device and system for the detection of a flame condition, in particular for the detection of a forest fire, International Patent, submitted 30 December 2019, International Application No. PCT/IB2019/061442. Publication number:: WO2021/130531. Publication date: 01 July 2021 (01.07.2021). Applicants: Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica - Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores, Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Sílvio Lima – Polo II 3030-290 Coimbra; Universidade de Coimbra - Rua Larga, Edifício Faculdade de Medicina (R/Ch. Esq.) 3004-504 Coimbra; ADAI – Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica industrial - Rua Pedro Hispano, nº12 3030-289 Coimbra Inventors Miguel ANTUNES, Luís Miguel FERREIRA, António Paulo COIMBRA, Aníbal TRAÇA DE ALMEIDA.
Autonomous Portable Firefighting System and Respective method of Operation, International Patent, submitted 24 June 2020, International Application No. PCT/PT2020/050026. Publication NumberWO/2021/262020. Publication Date30.12.2021. Applicants: Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica - Departamento de Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores, Universidade de Coimbra, Rua Sílvio Lima – Polo II 3030-290 Coimbra; Universidade de Coimbra - Rua Larga, Edifício Faculdade de Medicina (R/Ch. Esq.) 3004-504 Coimbra; ADAI – Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica industrial - Rua Pedro Hispano, nº12 3030-289 Coimbra. Inventors; Aníbal TRAÇA DE ALMEIDA, António Paulo COIMBRA,Carlos Xavier Viegas, Luís Miguel FERREIRA, Miguel ANTUNES.
J. P. Barreto, M. Antunes, and C. Raposo. "System and Methods for Changing the Direction of View during Video-guided Clinical Procedures using Real-time Image Processing", Provisional Patent Submitted to USPTO, Oct, 2019.
J. P. Barreto, M. Antunes, and C. Raposo. "Systems and Methods for the Characterization of an Endoscope and Calibration of an Endoscopic Camera System”, Provisional Patent Submitted to USPTO, Oct, 2019.
WO2018170181A1, Carolina Raposo and João P. Barreto, "Systems and Methods for 3D Registration of Curves and Surfaces using Local Differential Information", Entered national stages in US and EU, Sept. 2018.
Pedro Rodrigues and João P. Barreto. ''Methods and Systems for Estimating Camera Response Function and Vignetting under Non-Uniform Illumination”.Patent granted in US , 2019.
J. P. Barreto. "Methods and Systems for Computer-Aided Navigation in Surgical Procedures”. Patent granted in US. 2019.
J. P. Barreto, A. Lourenço and R. Melo. "Method for Aligning and Tracking Point Regions in Images with Radial Distortion that outputs Motion Model Parameters, Distortion Calibration, and Variation in Zoom". Patent granted in US (US 14/433,457) and EU (EP 13792505 converted in GE, UK, FR, CH) with original priority date of Oct, 2012.
Ana Catarina da Silva Carvalho, António Paulo Mendes Breda Dias Coimbra, Edmundo Faria Filipe, Joao Paulo Pereira de Carvalho, Paulo Milheiro Caldas Paiva Monteiro, Pedro Daniel Querido, Tiago Filipe de Pinho Carrilho. “Lighting commanding method and an assymetrical gesture decoding device to command a lighting apparatus”. US utility patent nº US 10375799 B2. Date: 2019-08-06.
Patente de Invenção Internacional ao abrigo do acordo PCT e países: Bolívia, Paraguai e Uriguai. Método e Sistema Computacional de geração de Imagem com Informação Codificada, Imagens DELE Obtidas e seu Método e Sistema de Leitura. Registo número PCT/IB2018/057411, INCM / Universidade de Coimbra, 25/09/2018.
Patente Nacional, Ventilador com Pás Flexíveis, Proc. N.º: 109849, 2017. Italian Patent, "Ventilatore con pale flessibili", Number #102017000101758, 2017.
Pedro Rodrigues and Joao P Barreto. "Methods and Systems for Camera Characterization in terms of Response Function, Color, and Vignetting under Non-Uniform Illumination". PCT/US16/27299. April, 2016
Joao P Barreto. "Methods and Systems for Computer-Aided Surgery using Intra-Operative Video acquired by a Free-Moving Camera”. PCT/US16/24262. March, 2016
Joao P Barreto, Miguel Lourenço and Rui Melo. "Method for Aligning and Tracking Point regions in Images with Radial Distortion that outputs Motion Model Parameters, Distortion Calibration, and Variation in Zoom”.US14433457 (assigned 02/2016), EP13792505 (assigned 04/2016)
Calçado instrumentado para análise da marcha, patente definitiva submetida ao INPI 2016 – PT 108143 A1.
Portuguese national patent nº 106664. “Lâmpada com controlo do fluxo luminoso” (Light bulb with control of thePortuguese national patent nº 106664. “Lâmpada com controlo do fluxo luminoso” (Light bulb with control of theluminous flux). Granted in January 2015
Joao P. Barreto, Michel Antunes, Rui Melo. "Method and apparatus for automatic calibration of an endoscopic camera using one or more images of a planar grid with a printed chessboardpattern." Provisional Patent Request 20091000069650, 2009.
F. Ferreira, Device for Performance and Protection Improvement of Three-Phase Induction Motors by means of Automatic Management of the Stator Windings Connection, Process no.:104070K (National), 2009
F. Ferreira, Differential Rotor for Electric Motors, Process no.: 10379. (National utility model), 2009