During the period 2025-2029 the unit will have the following management model


-The Scientific Council, composed of University staff senior researchers, has regular meetings toanalyze the key research directions, funding opportunities, R&D projects, international networking, collaboration with industry, publications and dissemination activities, researchers hiring, as well as analyses the annual Activity Report in terms of achievements and sets targets for future performance;

-The Director of the Unit has the overall responsibility of the daily management of the global affair of the unit, and represents the unit externally, namely with the outside institutions:

- The Activity Area Coordinators have the responsibility to provide strategic guidance for the research activities as well as to coordinate the reporting activities of each area. The general area meetings include all researchers with a PhD of the group, meeting as often as necessary;

- The unit official website is setup to foster communication, knowledge transfer and cross-disciplinary collaboration, providing a calendar with important events, repository for on-going and recent project, publications, research results, software, outreach activities and an information matrix of all researchers.

- The Advisory Board is composed by three top quality international researchers and has the functionto evaluate the Activity Reports of ISR, in order to provide strategic guidance for the future research work.