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ISR - Coimbra
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The Institute of Systems and Robotics supports the BotOlympics, the largest programming competition applied to robotics in the Centre region
FCTUC students challenge young talents to robotics programming competition BotOlympics, the largest programming competition applied to robotics in the Centre region, is returning to the Faculty of Science and Technology of the...
Demonstração de INTERESSE: Demonstração de INTERESSE Colaborar com o RENOVERTY para aliviar a pobreza energética em todos os sectores e fronteiras!
Demonstração de INTERESSE Colaborar com o RENOVERTY para aliviar a pobreza energética em todos os sectores e fronteiras! O projeto RENOVERTY lança um convite abrangente à manifestação de interesse para...
REVERTER: Newsletter Nº4 (March 2025)
We are excited to share the latest REVERTER Newsletter, focusing on the 9 Roadmaps developed for the project’sfour pilot regions – Athens, Greece, Brezovo, Bulgaria, Coimbra, Portugal and Riga, Latvia. These roadmaps...
Best Paper Award @ICPRAM 2025
José Silva, a PhD student at ISR-UC (VisTeam), has been awarded the Best Paper Award at the 14th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. His paper, entitled “Towards Secure Biometric...
News from the REPowerE(d)U project
REPowerE(d)U project team starts developing curricula for the 7 courses that make up the project hashtag#SkillDevelopment hashtag#SmartEnergySkills hashtag#EUGreenDeal hashtag#CINEA hashtag#Renewables...
Results of the BungEES Project
The BungEES project had a breakthrough year in 2024. Here are the main milestones: ✅ Two pilot projects in CoimbraResidential sector: Implementation of air-to-water heat pumps with Voltalis intelligent thermostats, allowing...
Manuel Reis Carneiro, an ISR researcher, is in the spotlight at the 90 Seconds of Science for developing an environmentally friendly conductive paint that promises to revolutionise the production of flexible electronic circuits
ISR researcher Manuel Reis Carneiro is featured on 90 Seconds of Science for developing an environmentally friendly conductive paint that promises to revolutionise the production of flexible electronic circuits.Listen to...
The Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR) of the University of Coimbra organised the forum ‘Robots for a Better Tomorrow: Wellbeing Through Advanced Technology’, as part of the ‘International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2024)’, wh
Paulo Menezes, a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) at the UC Faculty of Science and Technology (FCTUC) and a researcher at the ISR, as well as being a member of the organisation, will...
Fernando Martins, a researcher at the Institute of Systems and Robotics - University of Coimbra, is developing SGCIP, the public lighting consumption management system, with the aim of helping municipalities make conscious and sustainable decisions
Project supports local authorities in energy rating of public roads. This project aims to create an energy rating for public lighting similar to the one that currently exists for electronic equipment and household...
Scientists from the Institute of Systems and Robotics at the University of Coimbra use artificial intelligence to study autism
The Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR) of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC) is developing a project that aims to...
A project by researchers from FCTUC's Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR) wins the 3rd edition of the J. Norberto Pires Innovation Prize, awarded by the University of Coimbra (UC)
The E-Skins project, which develops electronic patches for biomonitoring health data (such as heart rate or brain activity), is the winner of the 3rd edition of the J. Norberto Pires Innovation Prize, awarded by the University...
KNOWnNEBs: Newsletter Nº4 (Janeiro 2025)
Co-creation workshop at the CULTIVA space in Tábua - LIFE RENOVERTY
On 29 November, at the CULTIVA space in Tábua, ISR and ADIBER organized a co-creation session for the energy renovation roadmap for homes in the region, as a strategic tool to mitigate energy poverty in the most vulnerable...
Visit of CINEA Head of Unit LIFE Programme (Clean Energy and Climate) to ISR
On November 22, 2024, the Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR-UC) received the visit of the CINEA Head of Unit LIFE Programme (Clean Energy and Climate), Mr. Hans Rhein. CINEA is the European Climate, Infrastructure and...
5th Meeting of the REVERTER Project
On 22 and 23 October, Coimbra hosted the 5th meeting of the REVERTER Project Steering Committee. Beginning in 2022 and scheduled to last three years, the REVERTER Project, co-financed by the European Union through the LIFE...
For registration and to download the program flyer please follow the link: https://forms.gle/kjP6YSBk2srtUJoBAOrganizer: Professor Urbano J.
“Everything is Movement, and Everything is Visual” - Solo Exhibition . Maria Rita Nogueira
“Everything is Movement, and Everything is Visual” - Solo Exhibition . Maria Rita Nogueira -September 11–15, 2024 - CICA Museum, South Korea - Czong Institute for Contemporary Art - From Wednesday...
The Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR), a research center associated with the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC), is taking part in a European project to train and build capacity in innovative energy solutions
The “RePowerE(d)U” project, funded by the LIFE Program, aims to develop continuous training programs in energy efficiency and renewable energies using innovative teaching tools such as virtual reality or augmented reality....
Team of ISR distinguished at IPCAI’2024 with NVIDIA award for Clinical Translational Research
The article "Structured Light for Touchless 3D Registration in Video-based Surgical Navigation”, presented at the IPCAI’2024 conference in "Information Processing in Computer Assisted Interventions", received the honorary...
Innovative Forest Management Project Audited by the European Court of Auditors at the University of Coimbra
Coimbra, 3rd July 2024 – The SAFEFOREST R&D Project (CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-045931), an ambitious initiative aimed at developing advanced monitoring and robotic systems for forest fuel management, was audited in a...
KNOWnNEBs: Newsletter Nº3 (Maio 2024)
EU HORIZON MSCA-DN programme - European project “AIGreenBots”
The European project “AIGreenBots”, coordinated by Cristiano Premebida (lecturer at DEEC and researcher at ISR-UC), has been accepted by the EU HORIZON MSCA-DN programme. The four-years project will be funded with a total...
IEEE Electrical Safety Workshop 2024 - Tucson, USA - March 4th - 8th Award: IEEE IAS Electrical Safety Prevention Through Design Engineering Education Initiative)
Electrical safety in solar home systems for off-grid refrigeration in developing countries Nearly 40% of harvested food spoils due to the absence of adequate temperature-controlled storage, severely impacting food distribution...
University of Coimbra Master's thesis wins REN Award - Nuno Alexandre Gonçalves Mendes, student at the UC Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is the winner of the 2023 edition of the REN Award
Nuno Alexandre Gonçalves Mendes, a student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (FCTUC), is the winner of the 2023 REN Award....
KNOWnNEBs: Newsletter Nº2 (Dezembro 2023)
OwnYourSECAP - Energia Sustentável e Clima nos Municípios - Conferência Nacional - 25 de outubro de 2023
Energia Sustentável e Clima nos Municípios - Conferência Nacional - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p4hJZeEHefr7nqv-8rZeaGUx-XPEFJlz/view https://www.ownyoursecap.eu/ AGENDA 25 de outubro de 2023 09:30 - 10:00:...
KNOWnNEBs: Newsletter Nº1 (Maio 2023)
2nd Open Research Day @ ISR-UC (20th of July, 15h30)
The Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR-UC) is promoting an Open Research Day to present the ongoing research works of the Associate Researchers and PhD Students within the institution. This is the perfect...
“Dance and Interaction - Sensory proposal within a performative and expository scope"
Maria Rita Nogueira, researcher at the Institute for Systems and Robotics, will defend her doctoral thesis “Dance and Interaction - Sensory proposal within a performative and expository scope" on the 27th at 14:45 at Colégio...
ROBOT2023 – Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference
Call for Papers ROBOT2023 – Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference http://robot2023.isr.uc.pt/ November 22 - 24, 2023 Coimbra - Portugal The Sixth Iberian Robotics Conference will take place at the University of Coimbra on...
TrustID Multiplier Event/Workshop @ ISR-UC - May 22
Dear Colleagues, The research team from the TrustID Erasmus+ 2020 project (https://trustid-project.eu) is hosting a full-day Multiplier Event on Monday, May 22, 2023. It will be presented the key results of the project on...
Workshop Planos de Ação para a Energia Sustentável e Clima
No âmbito do projeto OwnYourSecap realizamos hoje com sucesso o nosso primeiro workshop com os municípios sobre os Planos de Ação para a Energia Sustentável e Clima, como parte do nosso projeto LIFE financiado pela União...
Move4ASD - Characterizing Autism Spectrum Disorder Through Machine Learning-based Motion Analysis
The Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR) is developing a project that aims to study and characterize autism, through artificial intelligence. This project is lead by the researchers João Ruivo Paulo and Paulo Menezes...
2022 Andrew P. Sage Best Transactions Awards
AWARD: The paper "A Self-Paced BCI with a Collaborative Controller for Highly Reliable Wheelchair Driving: Experimental Tests With Physically Disabled Individuals", authored by Aniana Cruz, Gabriel Pires, Ana Lopes, Carlos...
Talk “Intentional Electromagnetic Interference - A Novel threat to digital infrastructure” - held by Dr.-Ing. Lars Ole Fichte (Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg-Germany) - Wednesday, October 19th, at 15h00, at the ISR Auditorium
Title: Intentional Electromagnetic Interference - A Novel threat to digital infrastructure Abstract: Modern society relies heavily on digital devices to function, e.g. computer servers to run port facilities, traffic control...
ISR Talk on "Biorobotic systems and biosensors with application to underwater robots and environmental monitoring" next Wednesday, October 12 at 16h00, ISR auditorium
Gianluca Manduca is a PhD student at The BioRobotics Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy (https://www.santannapisa.it/en/institute/biorobotics), and is visiting us in the scope of the ECOBOTICS.sea project...
Maria Rita Nogueira is presenting “Move In Tempo” at CICA Museum in Seoul, South Korea
Maria Rita Nogueira is a Contemporary Art Ph.D. Student, developing her research at ISR under the supervision of Profs. Paulo Menezes (ISR) and José Maçãs de Carvalho (Arts College of the University of...
Palestra sobre transístores orgânicos, 19 de setembro, 12h, Sala de Seminários (junto à antiga biblioteca do DEEC)
Na 2º feira, dia 19 de setembro, o Prof. Fabio Biscarini visitará o DEEC e o Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) e dará um breve seminário sobre transístores orgânicos na sala de seminários junto à antiga biblioteca do...
NCC Portugal AI for Science Bootcamp
Digital Event September 12 - 13, 2022 Application Deadline: September 5, 2022 GPU AI programming Bootcamp at Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica. Primarily targeted at the community of Portuguese researchers and students who...
From 25th to 29th of April 2022, the Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR-UC) was represented in the Hannover Messe 2022, in Frankfurt, Germany
Each year there is a country in the spotlight at the world's leading technology and industry event. Under the motto “Portugal Makes Sense”, Portugal is the official partner country at Hannover Messe 2022. The University of...
New intelligent vineyard monitoring systems tested in Coimbra
A multidisciplinary team of scientists from the University of Coimbra and the Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR-UC) explored new technological approaches to vineyard management, paving the way for non-invasive and...
streamSAVE Press Release
Efficiency for Access Research and Development Fund: Innovator Series – ISR-UC
The Efficiency for Access Research and Development Fund supported The Institute of Systems and Robotics is based in the University of Coimbra (ISR-UC) in Portugal, to develop an affordable, highly efficient refrigeration system...
Palestra: "Neurorobotics model of Parkinson's Disease"
Local: Anfiteatro do ISRData/Hora: 07/02/2022, com início às 14h30 Orador: Assistant Professor Dr. Renan C. Moioli (Digital Metropolis Institute (IMD) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do...
Bot Olympics is a robotics competition from the University of Coimbra. It is an educational and training event and aims to introduce the most curious to the world of robotics. Comprising three tests taking place simultaneously...
Wildfire Protect recebe BfK AWARDS
No âmbito do Prémio Empreendedorismo e Inovação Crédito Agrícola, o projeto Wildfire Protect, desenvolvido pela ADAI – Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinâmica Industrial e pelo Instituto de Sistemas e...
ROBOT2022 – Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference
Call for Papers ROBOT2022 – Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference http://iberianroboticsconf.eu/ November 23-25, 2022 Zaragoza - Spain ROBOT2022 - Fifth Iberian Robotics Conference will be held at the Paraninfo Building of...
VISTeam (ISR UC) achieved the top result in the NIST Face Recognition Vendor Morph Test (FRVT MORPH - the world's biggest benchmark for estimating the performance of automated face morph detection
VISTeam solution demonstrated a great performance in a target no-reference (by a single image) face morphing detection achieving the top result in a number of benchmark datasets by the evaluating metrics APCER@BPCER=(0.1, 0.01)...
WORKSHOP on "BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACES and RELATED SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGIES" A Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) is a direct communication pathway between the brain and an external device. The research on BCI is...
Short-term course RML2021 - Robótica Móvel e Aprendizagem Computacional
Encontram-se abertas inscrições para o curso Robótica Móvel e Aprendizagem Computacional até dia 15 de Junho de 2021. https://sites.google.com/view/roboticsmachinelearning INSCRIÇÕES:...
European Industrial Doctorate PhD - Marie Curie Early-Stage Researcher (ESR) Fellowship on “Cooperative and multimodal localization in 5G-enabled multi-robot systems”
5GSmartFact: Funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie - Grant Agreement ID 956670 Project Website: https://5gsmartfact.upc.edu/ Deadline:...
A Team of Researchers from the Institute of Systems and Robotics - University of Coimbra developed an innovative energy microgrid, which adds photovoltaic production, energy storage, intelligent load control and ‘vehicle to grid” interaction
A microgrid is an intelligent energy distribution network “capable of operating independently from the main electrical network and allowing the integration, monitoring and control of resources, providing greater energy...
IROS 2020 Workshop on Perception, Planning and Mobility in Forestry Robotics (WPPMFR 2020)
IROS 2020 Workshop on Perception, Planning and Mobility in Forestry Robotics (WPPMFR 2020), Virtual Workshop in IROS 2020, October 29th, Las Vegas, NV, USA The Workshop on Perception, Planning and Mobility in Forestry...
Webinar under the European QualitEE Project
Open Webinar | 26th June 2020; Speakers: Damir Staničić, Jure Čižman, Jožef Stefan Institute, Energy Efficiency Centre; Moderator: Carlos Patrão, Intelligent Energy Systems, ISR-University of Coimbra; This...
SiPS 2020 – IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems
SiPS 2020 – IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems 20-22nd October 2020, Coimbra, Portugal SiPS 2020 will be held in Coimbra, in the center of Portugal, as a forum devoted to the area of design and implementation of...
Institute of Systems and Robotics created the first ever method for inkjet printing of highly stretchable circuits and then adapted this method for screen printing as well.
Replacing the buttons Mahmoud Tavakoli, Professor at the University of Coimbra and Project Manager at the Institute of Systems and Robotics, Portugal: One of the areas where 3D printed electronics will find first applications...
Researcher Manuel Reis Carneiro of the Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR) has developed a wearable, low cost, reusable electronic device that enables the acquisition of electroencephalograms much more comfortably and for...
Manuel Carneiro from ISR, in 3rd place in the Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge awards
Innovation in telecommunications and epilepsy diagnosis awarded by the Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge The 10th edition of the Fraunhofer Portugal Challenge 2019, organized by the Fraunhofer AICOS institute, which over these 10...
IEEE – Robotics & Automation Society Award - Energy harvesting systems for low energy mobile robots
Mini-explorer was developed by Pedro Santos on his master’s thesis on the scope of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society CEMRA AWARD 2015 (Technical Committee: Energy, Environment, and Safety Issues in Robotics and...
International Business & Technology and Culture trip to Coimbra
“International Business & Technology and Culture trip to Coimbra” is the name of a learning program directed to students of various degrees of Groningen University (RUG) in the Netherlands and open to students of the...