LIFE KNOWnNEBs - Integration of non-energy benefits into energy audit practices to accelerate the uptake of recommended measures

    Project name: LIFE KNOWnNEBs - Integration of non-energy benefits into energy audit practices to accelerate the uptake of recommended measures

    Description: The LIFE KnownNEBs project aims to analyze current energy auditing practices in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Austria, Hungary, Poland and Latvia, targeting especially large energy consuming companies in the framework of the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) and to promote the acceptance of energy auditing by companies that are not required by the legislation as a competitiveness tool, boosting its practice as a way to reduce energy costs. Inspired by current practices and available tools, performance indicators used, etc., the knownNEBs project proposes to develop a new methodology for calculating savings, focusing on non-energy benefits in order to make energy efficiency measures suggested in energy audits more attractive. The goal is to accelerate the adoption of energy audits, promoting their extension to companies that are not required by law. The project also aims to develop the necessary tools to train technical staff and overcome communication barriers between the different players in the decision making process in companies.

    PI: Pedro Moura

    Reference: Project 101076494 — LIFE21-CET-AUDITS-KNOWnNEBs


    Fundind entity: European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency

    Partners: EKODOMA, Latvia (project manager) Technical University Budapest, Hungary University Coimbra, Portugal ESCAN, Spain Chamber of Installation specialists in Bulgaria KAPE, Poland CRES, Greece SOGESCA, Italy e7, Austria

    Duration of the action: 2022-11-01 - 2025-10-31

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