Perceptual and Cognitive Systems


The research in this area covers:

  • Biometrics: novelties in learning architectures and the improvement of the several facial recognition systems;
  • Improvement of the security of visual content: achieving good accuracy in printer-proof steganography with applications in the security of ID documents;
  • Analysis of endoscopic imagery for computer assisted surgery and diagnosis;
  • Analysis of images from capsule endoscopy for computer assisted diagnosis;
  • Analysis of images from deformable objects;
  • Solutions to incorporate causality and counterfactual inference principles in deep learning to enhance their interpretability, namely, Causal Representation Learning, Counterfactual Learning and Knowledge Distillation.



R. Bettencourt, M. Castelo-Branco, Edna Goncalves, U. J. Nunes, G. Pires, Comparing Several P300-Based Visuo-Auditory Brain-Computer Interfaces for a Completely Locked-in ALS Patient: A Longitudinal Case Study, Applied Sciences, 14(8), 3464, 2024
L. Artur da Silva Garrote, Ulisses Reverendo, U. J. Nunes, Exploiting 3D Grids for Indoor SLAM in Featureless Scenarios, 2024 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Paredes de Coura, Portugal, 2024
R. Pereira, T. Barros da Silva, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, A. Barata Pires Lopes, U. J. Nunes, A deep learning-based global and segmentation-based semantic feature fusion approach for indoor scene classification, Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol. 179, 2024
J. Morais Ferreira, L. Martins Almeida, V. Santos, Improved humanoid gait using learning-based analysis of a new wearable 3D force system, 1, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, 2023, Supervised by
Alessandra Sorrentino, Bruno Ferreira, P. Menezes, J. Batista, J. Dias, Laura Fiorini, Pietro Benvenuti, Filippo Cavallo, Should I lead?” Feasibility study of user perception on following-robot for gait assessment, ICAR2023 - 21st International Conference on Advanced Robotics, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2023
J. F. Ferreira, David Portugal, Maria Eduarda Andrada, Pedro Machado, R. P. Rocha, P. Peixoto, Sensing and Artificial Perception for Robots in Precision Forestry: A Survey, Robotics, 12(5), 139, MDPI, 2023
David Portugal, José Faria, David A. Carreira, Deep Face Recognition for Online Student Identification, 2, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 2023, Supervised by
Gustavo Assunção, Alessandra Sorrentino, J. Dias, M. Castelo-Branco, P. Menezes, Filippo Cavallo, , Adapting Behavior and Persistence via Reinforcement and Self-Emotion Mediated Exploration in a Social Robot, ROMAN20, 33nd IRRR International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Busa, Korea, 2023
M. Nogueira, Joao Braz Simoes, P. Menezes, F O R M S - Creating new visual perceptions of dance movement through machine learning, ACM SIGGRAPH 2023, Los Angeles, 2023
Artur Pilacinski, Ana Pinto, Soraia Oliveira, Eduardo Araú, Carla Carvalho, Paula Alexandra Silva, Ricardo Matias, P. Menezes, Sonia Sousa, The Robot Eyes Don't Have It.The Presence of Eye Gaze on Collaborative Robots Yields Marginally Higher Human Trust But Lower Performance, Helyion, 9, 8, 2023
Paulo A. S. Mendes, A. Paulo Coimbra, A. de Almeida, Forest Vegetation Detection Using Deep Learning Object Detection Models, Forests 2023, 14(9), 1787, MDPI, 2023
J. Ruivo Carvalho Paulo, Teresa Sousa, J. Perdiz, , P. Menezes, , G. Pires, M. Castelo-Branco, A multimodal framework for motor function characterization in ASD, ENBENG, IEEE Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, Porto, 2023
Bruno Ferreira, Alessandra Sorrentino, P. Menezes, J. Batista, J. Dias, Laura Fiorini, Filippo Cavallo, Improving ASTRO’s Perception Capability for a more Natural Follow-Me Task, ExpAT'23 - Experiment@ International Conference 2023, Évora, 2023
Beatriz Lagos, P. Menezes, MuSe4ASD - An Interactive Music Station for Children with ASD, ExpAT'23 - Experiment@ International Conference 2023, Évora, 2023
Daniel Matias, P. Menezes, AREsTA - An Augmented Reality Exposure Therapy Application, ExpAT'23 - Experiment@ International Conference 2023, Évora, 2023