PRR-GreenAuto: Green Innovation for the Automotive Industry (WP18: Green Auto PPS 18 - 3D navigation system for mobile robotic equipment)
Project name: PRR-GreenAuto: Green Innovation for the Automotive Industry (WP18: Green Auto PPS 18 - 3D navigation system for mobile robotic equipment)
Description: In PPS18, the objective is to develop an integrated warehouse management and on-line transport system, based on an intelligent AMR stacker-type platform, with natural navigation supported by a multisensory localization. The system will essentially consist of: 1)- Automated warehouse module: 2) Precise location module, optimized to operate in large warehouses; 3) Predictive maintenance module.
PI: Urbano J. Nunes
Reference: AAC nº02/C05-i01/2022
Fundind entity: PRR, União Europeia
Partners: Flowbotic; Inestec; ISR-UC; Kainzen Institute; FEUP, STAR Institute
Duration of the action: 2022-10-01 - 2025-12-31
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