Move4ASD - Multimodal Motion Analysis Using Machine Learning-based Techniques for Autism Spectrum Disorder Characterization
Project name: Move4ASD - Multimodal Motion Analysis Using Machine Learning-based Techniques for Autism Spectrum Disorder Characterization
Description: Studies on motor function are relevant in autism spectrum disorder (ASD) because action/perception cycles are impaired in this condition. This goes beyond atypical motor coordination, including core symptoms of autism. Accor- dingly, the neural basis of action understanding and motor function impairment in ASD remains poorly characterized. The mirror neuron system is believed to be altered and it is involved in a broad range of deficits such as poor dexterity, atypical repetitive movements, and action imitation. These basic deficits may explain core social and communication impairments. In this project, we aim to develop a machine learning-based approach to characterize ASD through multimodal motion analysis including gait function analysis. For this purpose, a paradigm based on imitation and action understanding will be used to map motor function through electroencephalography and behavioral motion data in a serious game framework.
PI: João Luís Ruivo Carvalho Paulo
Reference: ISR
Fundind entity: ISR
Budget: 25 000.00€
Duration of the action: 2022-07-01 - 2024-01-31