Cristiano Premebida

    Name: Cristiano Premebida, Ph.D.
    Position: Assistant Professor
    Office: Gab. 3.1
    Internal Phone: 239 796 319

    Dr Cristiano Premebida is Assistant Professor in the department of electrical and computer engineering at the University of Coimbra, Portugal, where he is part of the institute of systems and robotics (ISR-UC). His main research interests are autonomous vehicles, autonomous robots, machine learning, field/agricultural robotics, robotic perception, cooperative/connected intelligent transport systems (C-ITS), ADAS, reliable AI, and sensor fusion. C. Premebida has collaborated on research projects in the areas related to C-ITS, autonomous driving, and applied machine learning, including national and international projects. He is IEEE-senior member, been serving as AE in the flagship conferences IROS, ITSC and IVS, and has regularly organized international workshops on automated driving, AI/ML robotic perception, and C-ITS.

    Supervisor of:
    Tiago Barros da Silva, Ph.D. Student
    Kennedy Mota, Ph.D. Student
    Eduardo Borges, M.Sc. Student
    Wilgo Moreira Cardoso, Ph.D. Student
    Chaymaa Fakrane, Ph.D. Student
    José Rodrigues, M.Sc. Student


    T. Barros da Silva, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, M. J. Coombes, , C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, PointNetPGAP-SLC: A 3D LiDAR-Based Place Recognition Approach With Segment-Level Consistency Training for Mobile Robots in Horticulture, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, Issue: 11, 2024


    W. Moreira Cardoso, T. Barros da Silva, G. Goncalves, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, Multispectral Image Segmentation in Agriculture: Evaluating Deep Learning Models with Train-Test Split and Cross-Validation Strategies, 7th Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), Madrid - Spain, 2024

    Joao Jorge, T. Barros da Silva, C. Premebida, M. Aleksandrov, Daniel Goehring, U. J. Nunes, Impact of 3D LiDAR Resolution in Graph-Based SLAM Approaches: A Comparative Study, 7th Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), Madrid - Spain, 2024

    T. Barros da Silva, C. Premebida, Stephanie Aravecchia, Cedric Pradalier, U. J. Nunes, SPVSoAP3D: A Second-order Average Pooling Approach to enhance 3D Place Recognition in Horticultural Environments, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 2024


    G. Melotti, W. Lu, P. Conde, D. Zhao, A. Asvadi, N. Gonçalves, C. Premebida, Probabilistic approach for road-users detection, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023

    W. Lu, , C. Premebida, D. Zhao, L. Zhang, W. Zhao, Improving 3d vulnerable road user detection with point augmentation, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2023

    Jorge Sampaio Silveira Júnior, Jérôme Mendes, Francisco Souza, C. Premebida, Survey on Deep Fuzzy Systems in regression applications: a view on interpretability, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 1-22, 2023


    P. Conde, T. Barros da Silva, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, ECE-based Deep Ensemble for Neural Network Calibration in Satellite Image Classification, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Tomar, Portugal, 2023

    E. Sousa, KOS. Mota, IP. Gomes, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, DF Wolf, C. Premebida, Late-Fusion Multimodal Human Detection Based on RGB and Thermal Images for Robotic Perception, In: European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR), 2023

    G. Gonç, U. Andriolo, L. Paiva, C. Premebida, A. Ferraz , Modelling the Dependence of Chlorophyll Leaf-Clip Measures on Vegetation Indices Derived from Multispectral UAS Images in Vineyards Parcels, In: IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2023

    N. Cunha, T. Barros da Silva, M. Mendes Reis, T. Marta, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, Multispectral Image Segmentation in Agriculture: A Comprehensive Study on Fusion Approaches, In: Proc. of the Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), 2023

    IP. Gomes, C. Premebida, DF. Wolf , Interaction-aware Maneuver Prediction for Autonomous Vehicles using Interaction Graphs, In: IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV) (Best Paper Award), 1-8, 2023

    T. Barros da Silva, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, Martin Aleksandrov, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, TReR: A Lightweight Transformer Re-Ranking Approach for 3D LiDAR Place Recognition, 26th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2023), Bilbao-Bizkaia, Spain, 2023


    Francisco Souza, C. Premebida, R. Araújo, High-order conditional mutual information maximization for dealing with high-order dependencies in feature selection, Pattern Recognition, Vol. 131, pp. 108895, 2022

    T. Barros da Silva, P. Conde, Gil Goncalves, C. Premebida, M. Monteiro, Carla S.S. Ferreira, U. J. Nunes, , Multispectral vineyard segmentation: A deep learning comparison study Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Elsevier, vol. 195, 106782, 2022


    T. Barros da Silva, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, R. Pereira, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, AttDLNet: Attention-based Deep Network for 3D LiDAR Place Recognition, ROBOT2022 5th Iberian Robotics Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, 2022


    Jorge Sampaio Silveira Júnior, Jérôme Mendes, R. Araújo, J. Ruivo Carvalho Paulo, C. Premebida, 19th IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics, Novelty Detection for Iterative Learning of MIMO Fuzzy Systems (BEST PAPER AWARD), Palma, Spain, 2021

    Jorge Sampaio Silveira Júnior, Jérôme Mendes, R. Araújo, J. Ruivo Carvalho Paulo, C. Premebida, Novelty Detection for Iterative Learning of MIMO Fuzzy Systems, Proc. IEEE 19th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN 2021), pp. 1-7, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2021


    Jack N.C. Hayton, T. Barros da Silva, C. Premebida, Matthew J. Coombes, U. J. Nunes, CNN-based Human Detection Using a 3D LiDAR onboard a UAV, IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), Ponta Delgada, Portugal, 2020

    G. Melotti, C. Premebida, N. Gonçalves, Multimodal deep-learning for object recognition combining camera and LIDAR data, In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions (ICARSC), pp. 177-182, IEEE, 2020

    Jordan J. Bird, Diego R. Faria, C. Premebida, Anikó, , Look and Listen: A Multi-Modality Late Fusion Approach to Scene Classification for Autonomous Machines, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020), 2020

    G. Melotti, C. Premebida, Jordan J. Bird, Diego R. Faria, N. Gonçalves, Probabilistic Object Classification using CNN ML-MAP layers, European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Workshop on Perception for Autonomous Driving (PAD), 2020


    C. Premebida, G. Melotti, A. Asvadi, Classification for Autonomous Driving Perception, in RGB-D Image Analysis and Processing, Paul L. RosinYu-Kun LaiLing ShaoYonghuai Liu, Springer, 2019

    Book Sections

    C. Premebida, G. Melotti, A. Asvadi, RGB-D Object Classification for Autonomous Driving Perception, in RGB-D Image Analysis and Processing, Paul L. RosinYu-Kun LaiLing ShaoYonghuai Liu, Springer, 2019


    L. Artur da Silva Garrote, Miguel Torres, T. Barros da Silva, J. Perdiz, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, "Mobile Robot Localization with Reinforcement Learning Map Update Decision aided by an Absolute Indoor Positioning System", IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2019), Macau, China, 2019

    T. Barros da Silva, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, R. Pereira, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, “Improving Localization by Learning Pole-like Landmarks Using a Semi-supervised Approach”, Fourth Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT 2019), Porto, 2019

    J. Pereira, C. Premebida, A. Asvadi, F. Cannata, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, U. J. Nunes, Test and Evaluation of Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Real-world Scenarios, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), 14-19, 2019


    A. Asvadi, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, C. Premebida, P. Peixoto, U. J. Nunes, Multimodal vehicle detection: fusing 3D-LIDAR and color camera data, Pattern Recognition Letters , Elsevier, 2018


    G. Melotti, C. Premebida, N. Gonçalves, U. J. Nunes, D. R. Faria, Multimodal CNN Pedestrian Classification: A Study on Combining Lidar and Camera Data, 21st IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Hawaii, USA, 2018

    L. Artur da Silva Garrote, C. Premebida, D. Silva, U. J. Nunes, HMAPs Hybrid Height-Voxel Maps for Environment Representation, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018), Madrid, Spain, 2018


    C. Premebida, D. R. Faria, U. J. Nunes, Dynamic Bayesian Network for semantic place classification in mobile robotics, Autonomous Robots, vol. 41, 5, Springer, 2017

    Book Sections

    C. Premebida, Francisco Souza, D. R. Faria, Dynamic Bayesian Network for time dependent classification problems in robotics, Chapter 15 of Book "Bayesian Inference, Javier Prieto Tejedor (Ed.), Intech, 2017

    A. Asvadi, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, C. Premebida, P. Peixoto, U. J. Nunes, Real-Time Deep ConvNet-Based Vehicle Detection Using 3D-LIDAR Reflection Intensity Data., In: Ollero A., Sanfeliu A., Montano L., Lau N., Cardeira C. (eds) ROBOT 2017: Third Iberian Robotics Conference. ROBOT 2017 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 694, Springer, Cham, 2017


    L. Artur da Silva Garrote, J. Rosa, J. Ruivo Carvalho Paulo, C. Premebida, P. Peixoto, U. J. Nunes, 3D point cloud downsampling for 2D indoor scene modelling in mobile robotics, IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions, ICARSC 2017, Coimbra, Portugal , 2017

    J. Ruivo Carvalho Paulo, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, C. Premebida, A. Asvadi, D. Almeida, A. Barata Pires Lopes, P. Peixoto, An innovative robotic walker for mobility assistance and lower limbs rehabilitation, 5th Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering, ENBENG 2017, Coimbra, Portugal , 2017

    R. Loureiro, A. Lopes, C. De Paulo Carona, D. Almeida, F. Da Cunha e Castro Faria, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, ISR-RobotHead: Robotic head with LCD-based emotional expressiveness, 5th IEEE Portuguese Meeting on Bioengineering (ENBENG), Coimbra, Portugal , 2017

    A. Asvadi, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, C. Premebida, P. Peixoto, U. J. Nunes, DepthCN: Vehicle Detection Using 3D-LIDAR and ConvNet, IEEE 20th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2017), Yokohama, Japan, 2017

    A. Asvadi, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, C. Premebida, P. Peixoto, U. J. Nunes, Real-Time Deep ConvNet-based Vehicle Detection Using 3D-LIDAR Reflection Intensity Data, Special Session on Autonomous Driving and Driver Assistance Systems, ROBOT 2017, Seville, Spain , 2017

    J. Ruivo Carvalho Paulo, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, A. Asvadi, C. Premebida, P. Peixoto, Short-range gait pattern analysis for potential applications on assistive robotics, 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017), Lisbon, Portugal , 2017

    D. R. Faria, M. Vieira, F. Da Cunha e Castro Faria, C. Premebida, Affective Facial Expressions Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction, 26th IEEE Int. Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2017), 2017


    A. Asvadi, C. Premebida, P. Peixoto, U. J. Nunes, 3D Lidar-based Static and Moving Obstacle Detection in Driving Environments: an Approach Based on Voxels and Multi-region Ground Planes, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, ELSEVIER, 2016


    C. Premebida, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, A. Asvadi, Pedro Pinto, U. J. Nunes, High-resolution LIDAR-based Depth Mapping using Bilateral Filter, IEEE 19th Int. Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2016


    C. Premebida, D. R. Faria, Francisco Souza, U. J. Nunes, Applying Probabilistic Mixture Models to Semantic Place Classification in Mobile Robotics, IEEE/RSJ Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2015), Hamburg, Germany, 2015

    C. Premebida, J. Sousa, L. Artur da Silva Garrote, U. J. Nunes, Polar-grid representation and Kriging-based 2.5D interpolation for urban environment modelling, IEEE ITSC15: 18th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Las Palmas, Spain, 2015

    D. R. Faria, M. Vieira, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, Probabilistic Human Daily Activity Recognition towards Robot-assisted Living, IEEE RO-MAN'15: IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Japan, 2015


    R. Pascoal, V. Santos, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, Simultaneous Segmentation and Superquadrics Fitting in Laser-Range Data, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology , 2014


    C. Premebida, J. Carreira, J. Batista, U. J. Nunes, Pedestrian Detection Combining RGB and Dense LIDAR Data, IEEE Int. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), Chicago, USA, 2014

    D. R. Faria, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, A Probalistic Approach for Human Everyday Activities Recognition using Body Motion from RGB-D Images, Proceedings of IEEE RO-MAN'14: IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2014
    Kazuo Tanie Award Finalist (award focusing on practical application or one that can be applied to real products)

    L. Artur da Silva Garrote, C. Premebida, M. Silva, U. J. Nunes, An RRT-based Navigation Approach for Mobile Robots and Automated Vehicles, 12th IEEE Int. Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN2014), Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2014

    R. Fernandes, C. Premebida, P. Peixoto, D. Wolf, U. J. Nunes, Road Detection Using High Resolution LIDAR, IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC2014), 2014


    O. Ludwig, U. J. Nunes, B. Ribeiro, C. Premebida, Improving the Generalization Capacity of Cascade Classifiers , IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Vol. 43 (6), 2013

    D. Olmeda, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, J. Armingol, A. Escalera, "Pedestrian Detection in Far Infrared Images", Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Volume 20, Number 4 / 2013, IOS Press, 2013

    C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, Fusing LIDAR, camera and semantic information: a context-based approach for pedestrian detection, International Journal of Robotics Research, Sage, 2013


    Michel Antunes, J. P. Barreto, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, Can stereo vision replace a Laser Rangefinder?, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2012), Vilamoura, Portugal, 2012


    C. Premebida, Pedestrian Detection using Laser and Vision., Ph.D. Thesis, University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2012, Supervised by Urbano J. Nunes


    O. Ludwig, C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, R. Araújo, Evaluation of Boosting-SVM and SRM-SVM Cascade Classifiers in Laser and Vision-based Pedestrian, Proc. 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC 2011), Washington DC, USA, 2011


    C. Premebida, O. Ludwig, M. Silva, U. J. Nunes, A Cascade Classifier applied in Pedestrian Detection using Laser and Image-based Features, in 13th IEEE ITSC2010, Funchal, Portugal, 2010


    C. Premebida, O. Ludwig, U. J. Nunes, LIDAR and vision-based pedestrian detection system, Journal of Field Robotics, 26(9), pp.696-711, Wiley, 2009


    C. Premebida, O. Ludwig, J. Matsuura, U. J. Nunes, Exploring Sensor Fusion Schemes for Pedestrian Detection in Urban Scenarios, in Proc. IEEE/RSJ IROS2009 Workshop on: Safe Navigation in Open and Dynamic Environments, St. Louis, MO, USA, 2009

    C. Premebida, O. Ludwig, U. J. Nunes, Exploiting LIDAR-based Features on Pedestrian Detection in Urban Scenarios, In: Proc. of the IEEE ITSC 2009, USA, 2009


    C. Premebida, G. Monteiro, U. J. Nunes, P. Peixoto, A Lidar and Vision-based Approach for Pedestrian and Vehicle Detection and Tracking, In: Proc. of the IEEE ITSC 2007, pp- 1044 - 1049, Seattle, USA, 2007


    C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, A Multi-Target Tracking and GMM-Classifier for Intelligent Vehicles, In: Proc. of the IEEE ITSC 2006, pp. 313-318, Toronto, Canada, 2006

    G. Monteiro, C. Premebida, P. Peixoto, U. J. Nunes, Tracking and Classification of Dynamic Obstacles Using Laser Ranger Finder and Vision, In: Proc. IEEE/RSJ Worshop on: Safe Navigation in Open and Dynamic Environmentts hold at the IROS2006, Beijing, China, 2006


    C. Premebida, Detecção e Classificacao de Objectos em Ambiente Exterior para Veiculos Autonomos, M.Sc. Thesis, Departamento de Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal, 2006, Supervised by Urbano J. Nunes


    C. Premebida, U. J. Nunes, Segmentation and Geometric Primitives Extraction from 2D Laser Range Data for Mobile Robot Applications, In: Proc. 5rd National Festival of Robotics Scientific Meeting (ROBOTICA), pp- 17-25, Coimbra, Portugal, 2005

    Ph.D. Thesis

    Gledson Melotti, Reducing Overconfident Predictions in Multimodality Perception for Autonomous Driving (4/2023) Supervised by Cristiano Premebida and Nuno Miguel Gonçalves

    M.Sc. Thesis

    Jorge Fernando Alvarinhas Pereira, Wildfire Spread Prediction Model Calibration Using Metaheuristic Algorithms (4/2022) Supervised by Jérôme Mendes and Cristiano Premebida

    Miguel Torres, Exploiting particle-filter based fusion for mobile robot localization (9/2018) Supervised by Cristiano Premebida and Urbano J. Nunes

    João Cachulo Soares, Valve and Steam Trap Component Recognition Using Machine Vision in an Industrial Application (9/2016) Supervised by Cristiano Premebida and Urbano J. Nunes

    David Silva, Grid-Based Representations in Mobile Robotics Using Multisensory Data (2/2016) Supervised by Cristiano Premebida and Urbano J. Nunes

    Pedro Miguel Moreira, Percepção multisensorial baseado em grelhas para robótica móvel (2/2015) Supervised by Cristiano Premebida and Urbano J. Nunes