Chaymaa Fakrane

    Name: Chaymaa Fakrane, M.Sc.
    Position: Ph.D. Student
    Internal Phone: 421026

    Chaymaa Fakrane obtained her MSc degree in Informatics and Telecommunications from Université Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco, in 2014. She served as a researcher at ENSIAS (IT college) from 2016 to 2019. She came to Portugal in 2020, was a research assistant at the Computer Science Department of the University of Porto between 2020 and 2021, and worked in Bouygues Telecom, Porto, before joining ISR. She was granted a PhD scholarship by ISR and FCT and joined ISR - University of Coimbra in December 2023 to develop a PhD thesis with the theme “Cooperative multimodal perception in outdoor mobile robot teams – a deep learning approach”, under the supervision of Prof. Rui P. Rocha and the co-supervision of Profs. Jorge Batista and Cristiano Premebida.

    Supervised by:
    Rui P. Rocha, Associate Professor
    Jorge Manuel M. C. Pereira Batista, Associate Professor
    Cristiano Premebida, Assistant Professor