UltraBot - Robô para desinfecção por radiação ultravioleta

Project name: UltraBot - Robô para desinfecção por radiação ultravioleta
Description: Robot for disinfection by ultraviolet radiation of hospital spaces or other indoor spaces subject to contamination. The robot will be equipped with an ultraviolet radiation decontamination system, which as a whole will integrate several innovative features, namely: 1) assess the irradiation needs of the space surfaces according to the anticipated/measured contamination in the different spaces; 2) ability to move and direct the emitted radiation to ensure that all areas will be irradiated with the required and sufficient amount of energy to reduce the concentration of microorganisms to a predefined value; 3) have the ability to recognize critical areas, such as door handles, switches and handrails, and will direct a focused, high intensity UVC source to these areas to ensure enhanced decontamination; 4) integrate a user-friendly interface so that it can be used by non-specialized personnel.
PI: Lino Forte Marques
Reference: CENTRO-01-0247-FEDER-072644
Partners: MED ROBOTS ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION, LDA(Proponente); Universidade de Coimbra (parceiro)
Duration of the action: 2021-04-01 - 2023-06-30